Uninstalling SF Oracle RAC using a response file

Perform the steps in the following procedure to uninstall SF Oracle RAC using a response file.

To uninstall SF Oracle RAC using a response file

  1. Make sure that you have completed the pre-uninstallation tasks.

    See Preparing to uninstall SF Oracle RAC from a cluster.

  2. Create a response file using one of the available options.

    For information on various options available for creating a response file:

    See About response files.


    You must replace the host names in the response file with that of the systems from which you want to uninstall SF Oracle RAC.

    For a sample response file:

    See Sample response file for uninstalling SF Oracle RAC.

  3. Navigate to the directory containing the SF Oracle RAC uninstallation program:

    # cd /opt/VRTS/install
  4. Start the uninstallation:

    # ./uninstallsfrac -responsefile /tmp/response_file

    Where /tmp/response_file is the full path name of the response file.

  5. Remove other Veritas configuration files and packages that may be present.

  6. Reboot the nodes:

    # shutdowm -g0 -y -i6