Associating a Data Change Map to a data volume

The vradmin createpri, vradmin addsec, and vradmin addvol commands associate the Data Change Map (DCM) to the data volume by default. This section describes how to associate DCMs to a data volume in an existing VVR configuration.

See Data Change Map (DCM).

To associate a Data Change Map to a Data Volume

The vxassist command enables you to associate a DCM to a new data volume or an existing data volume.

  1. Create the data volume and associate the DCM as follows:

    # vxassist -g diskgroup make dv_name....... logtype=dcm


  2. Associate the DCM with an existing data volume as follows:

    # vxassist -g diskgroup addlog dv_name logtype=dcm

VVR mirrors the DCM by default. If loglen is not specified, vxassist calculates a suitable size for the DCM.

See Determining the region size .


If you try to grow a volume that has a DCM, an error message warns you if the DCM is not large enough for the increased size. In this case, dissociate the DCM, grow the volume, and then associate a new DCM to the volume.