gabadb (1M)


gabadb - adb macros for GAB


The gabadb macros may be used to print out GAB data structures and logs from either the running kernel or a core file. They are useful for debugging GAB related problems. The following are a list of GAB adb macros that are available.
gaball : This macro prints out all the GAB data structures and
  logs(message log and debug log)
gab : This macro prints out the GAB structure.
gabports : This macro prints out the port structure for each open
gabmlogs : This macro prints out the message logs for all current
  as well as previously active ports.
gabdlogs : This macro prints out the debug logs.


The following example illustrates how to use the gaball macro. The macros are to be executed from the adb prompt.

adb $<gaball

VCS 5.1 SP1 gabadb (1M)