vxfenmode (4M)


vxfenmode - I/O Fencing configuration file






The /etc/vxfenmode file contains setup information used by I/O Fencing. The system administrator is responsible for maintaining this file correctly and consistently across all systems in the cluster. If the configuration file is not present, I/O Fencing runs in SCSI3 mode. This default behavior is a relict from a prior release and should be abandoned in favor of explicit settings. A pound sign (#) in the first column of a line means that the line is a comment. Blank lines are ignored. The /etc/vxfenmode file supports the following parameters:
vxfen_mode - sets the main operation mode of I/O Fencing

FORMAT: vxfen_mode=[scsi3|customized|disabled]

scsi3 use scsi3 persistent reservation disks
customized use script based customized fencing (support for this is limited!)
disabled run the driver but don’t do any actual fencing
vxfen_mechanism - specifies which mechanism of customized fencing is to be used by I/O Fencing. If the vxfen_mode is customized, a valid vxfen_mechanism is mandatory. NOTE: The customized mechanism is only supported in certain configurations. It is not available for customers to write their own fencing mechanism.

FORMAT: vxfen_mechanism=[cps|<user_defined>]

cps use coordination point server for cluster membership coordination
<user_defined> use a customized fencing mechanism created by the end-user (not supported at this time)
vxfen_script_timeout - determines the time vxfend should wait for customized fencing scripts to finish execution before attempting to manually shut them down. If this option is omitted, the default value is 120 seconds. This parameter is only used when running vxfen_mode=customized

FORMAT: vxfen_script_timeout=[<user_defined>]

<user_defined> time to wait for customized fencing scripts before shutting them down
scsi3_disk_policy - determines the way in which I/O Fencing communicates with the coordination disks

FORMAT: scsi3_disk_policy=[raw|dmp]

raw connect to disks using the native interface
dmp use dynamic multipathing
Although vxfen supports raw for scsi3_disk_policy, it is now deprecated. It is recommended to use dmp as the scsi3_disk_policy for coordinator disks.


The following example shows a typical /etc/vxfenmode file configuring I/O Fencing to run in scsi3 mode with a dmp disk connection:



The following example shows a typical /etc/vxfenmode file configuring I/O Fencing to run in customized mode, using cps mechanism.








/etc/vxfenmode I/O Fencing configuration file


vxfenadm(1M), vxfentsthdw(1M), vxfendebug(1M), vxfenconfig(1M), vxfenclearpre(1M)

VCS 5.1 SP1 vxfenmode (4M)