Performance considerations

Active partition migration involves moving the state of a partition from one system to another while the partition is still running. The mover service partitions working with the hypervisor use partition virtual memory functions to track changes to partition memory state on the source system while it is transferring memory state to the destination system. During the migration phase, there is an initial transfer of the mobile partition's physical memory from the source to the destination. Since the mobile partition is still active, a portion of the partition's resident memory will almost certainly have changed during this pass. The hypervisor keeps track of these changed pages for retransmission to the destination system in a dirty page list. It makes additional passes through the changed pages until the mover service partition detects that a sufficient amount of pages are clean or the timeout is reached. The speed and load of the network used to transfer state between the source and destination systems influence the time required for both the transfer of the partition state and the performance of any remote paging operations. The amount of changed resident memory after the first pass is controlled more by write activity of the hosted applications than by the total partition memory size. Nevertheless, it is reasonable to assume that partitions with a large memory requirement will have higher numbers of changed resident pages than smaller ones. To ensure that active partition migrations are truly non-disruptive, even for large partitions, the POWER Hypervisor resumes the partition on the destination system before all the dirty pages have been migrated over to the destination. If the mobile partition tries to access a dirty page that has not yet been migrated from the source system, the hypervisor on the destination sends a demand paging request to the hypervisor on the source to fetch the required page. Providing a high-performance network between the source and destination mover partitions and reducing the partition's memory update activity prior to migration will improve the latency of the state transfer phase of migration. We suggest using a dedicated network for state transfer, with a nominal bandwidth of at least 1 Gbps.