Converting a single volume file system to a multi-volume file system

The following procedure converts a traditional, single volume file system, /mnt1, on a single volume vol1 in the diskgroup dg1 to a multi-volume file system.

To convert a single volume file system

  1. Determine the version of the volume's diskgroup:
      # vxdg list dg1 | grep version: | awk '{ print $2 }'
  2. If the version is less than 110, upgrade the diskgroup:
      # vxdg upgrade dg1
  3. Determine the disk layout version of the file system:
      # vxupgrade /mnt1
      Version 6

    If the disk layout version is 6, upgrade to Version 7:

      # vxupgrade -n 7 /mnt1

    If the disk layout version is less than 6, upgrade to Version 7. For example, if the disk layout version is 5, upgrade to Version 7 as follows:

      # vxupgrade -n 6 /mnt1
      # vxupgrade -n 7 /mnt1
  4. Unmount the file system:
      # umount /mnt1
  5. Convert the volume into a volume set:
      # vxvset -g dg1 make vset1 vol1

    Edit the /etc/fstab file to replace the volume device name, vol1, with the volume set name, vset1.

  6. Mount the file system:
      # mount -t vxfs /dev/vx/dsk/dg1/vset1 /mnt1
  7. As necessary, create and add volumes to the volume set:
      # vxassist -g dg1 make vol2 256M
      # vxvset -g dg1 addvol vset1 vol2
  8. Set the placement class tags on all volumes that do not have a tag:
      # vxassist -g dg1 settag vol1 vxfs.placement_class.tier1
      # vxassist -g dg1 settag vol2 vxfs.placement_class.tier2