Performing a pre-installation check with the Veritas Web-based installer

This section describes performing a pre-installation check with the Veritas Web-based installer.

To perform a pre-installation check

  1. Start the Web-based installer.

    See Starting the Veritas Web-based installer.

  2. On the Select a task and a product page, select Perform a Pre-installation Check from the Task drop-down list.

  3. Select the product from the Product drop-down list, and click Next.

  4. Indicate the systems on which to perform the precheck. Enter one or more system names, separated by spaces. Click Validate.

  5. The installer performs the precheck and displays the results.

  6. If the validation completes successfully, the installer prompts you to begin the installation. Click Yes to install on the selected system. Click No to install later.

  7. Click Finish. The installer prompts you for another task.