Sample configuration file for removing a node from the cluster

You may use this sample file as reference information to understand the configuration changes involved when you remove a node from a cluster.

The existing sample configuration before removing the node saturn is as follows:


The following sample file shows in bold the configuration information that is removed when the node "saturn" is removed from the cluster.

include ""
include ""
include ""
include ""
include ""
cluster rac_cluster101 (
        UserNames = { admin = bopHo }
        Administrators = { admin }
        UseFence = SCSI3
system galaxy (
system nebula (
system saturn (


In the following group oradb1_grp, the saturn node must be removed.

group oradb1_grp (
        SystemList = { galaxy = 0, nebula = 1, saturn = 2 }
        AutoFailOver = 0
        Parallel = 1
        AutoStartList = { galaxy, nebula, saturn }


In the following Oracle resource, the saturn node information must be removed.

Oracle ora1 (
										Critical = 0
										Sid @galaxy = vrts1							
								  Sid @nebula = vrts2
          Sid @saturn = vrts3
          Owner = oracle
          Home = "/app/oracle/orahome"
          StartUpOpt = "SRVCTLSTART"
          ShutDownOpt = "SRVCTLSTOP"
CFSMount oradata_mnt (
         Critical = 0
         MountPoint = "/oradata"
         BlockDevice = "/dev/vx/dsk/oradatadg/oradatavol"

CVMVolDg oradata_voldg (
         Critical = 0
         CVMDiskGroup = oradatadg
         CVMVolume = { oradatavol }
         CVMActivation = sw

requires group cvm online local firm
ora1 requires oradata_mnt
oradata_mnt requires oradata_voldg


In the following CVM and CVMCluster resources, the saturn node information must be removed.

group cvm (
        SystemList = { galaxy = 0, nebula = 1, saturn =2}
        AutoFailOver = 0
        Parallel = 1
        AutoStartList = { galaxy, nebula, saturn }

        Application cssd (
                Critical = 0
                StartProgram = "/opt/VRTSvcs/rac/bin/cssd-online"
                StopProgram = "/opt/VRTSvcs/rac/bin/cssd-offline"
                CleanProgram = "/opt/VRTSvcs/rac/bin/cssd-clean"
                MonitorProgram = "/opt/VRTSvcs/rac/bin/cssd-monitor"
                OnlineRetryLimit = 20

       CFSMount ocrvote_mnt (
                Critical = 0
                MountPoint = "/ocrvote"
                BlockDevice = "/dev/vx/dsk/ocrvotedg/ocrvotevol"
                MountOpt= "mincache=direct"

      CVMVolDg ocrvote_voldg (
               Critical = 0
               CVMDiskGroup = ocrvotedg
               CVMVolume = { ocrvotevol }
               CVMActivation = sw

      CFSfsckd vxfsckd (

      CVMCluster cvm_clus (
              CVMClustName = rac_cluster101
              CVMNodeId = { galaxy = 0, nebula = 1, saturn =2 }
              CVMTransport = gab
              CVMTimeout = 200

      CVMVxconfigd cvm_vxconfigd (
               Critical = 0
               CVMVxconfigdArgs = { syslog }


In the following PrivNIC resource, the saturn node information must be removed.

PrivNIC ora_priv (
              Critical = 0
              Device@galaxy = { bge1 = 0, bge2 = 1}
              Device@nebula = { bge1 = 0, bge2 = 1}
              Device@saturn = { bge1 = 0, bge2 = 1}
              Address@galaxy = ""
              Address@nebula = ""
              Address@saturn = ""
              NetMask = ""
cssd requires ocrvote_mnt
cssd requires ora_priv
ocrvote_mnt requires ocrvote_voldg
ocrvote_mnt requires vxfsckd
ocrvote_voldg requires cvm_clus
vxfsckd requires cvm_clus
cvm_clus requires cvm_vxconfigd