Upgrading the AIX operating system

Use this procedure to upgrade the AIX operating system if SF 6.0.1 is installed. You must upgrade to a version that SF 6.0.1 supports.

To upgrade the AIX operating system

  1. Create the install-db file.
    # touch /etc/vx/reconfig.d/state.d/install-db
  2. Stop activity to all file systems and raw volumes, for example by unmounting any file systems that have been created on volumes.
    # umount mnt_point
  3. Stop all the volumes by entering the following command for each disk group:
    # vxvol -g diskgroup stopall
  4. Stop the VEA backend service by entering the following command:
    # /opt/VRTS/bin/vxsvcctrl stop
  5. Upgrade the AIX operating system. See the operating system documentation for more information.
  6. Apply the necessary APARs.

    For information about APARs required for Storage Foundation 6.0.1, refer to the Storage Foundation Release Notes.

  7. Enable SF to start after you reboot.
    # rm /etc/vx/reconfig.d/state.d/install-db
  8. Reboot the system.
    # shutdown -Fr