Creating service groups for Enqueue and Enqueue Replication Server under Solaris non-global zones

Note that for SAP Enqueue and Enqueue Replication Servers under Solaris non-global zones, only the Enqueue or the Enqueue Replication server running inside the non-global zone fails-over, in case of any faults in the application or the zone.

Perform the following steps to create service groups for Enqueue and Enqueue Replication Server under Solaris non-global zones

Step 1: Configure a parallel service group for zone resource.

The following figure shows the zone service group configuration for Enqueue and Enqueue Replication Server. This service group is a parallel service group with localized ZoneName attribute for each cluster system.


If you have created zones for Enqueue and Enqueue Replication Server with same name on all the systems, it is not required to localize the ZoneName attribute.

You need not have the IP resource configured for the IP used for zone. When you start the zone, the IP is brought online automatically. When the zone is shut down, the IP is taken offline automatically.

The following figure shows the properties view for the zone service group.

Following is the sample for Zone service group.

group SAP71-PI1EnqZone (
SystemList = { systemA = 0, systemB = 1, systemC = 2 }
Parallel = 1
NIC SAP71-PI1EnqZone_nic (
Device = bge0
NetworkType = ether
Zone SAP71-PI1EnqZone_zone (
ZoneName @systemA = enqueue_zone1
ZoneName @systemB = enqueue_zone2
ZoneName @systemC = enqueue_zone3
requires group SAP71-PI1NFS online global soft
SAP71-PI1EnqZone_mnt requires SAP71-PI1EnqZone_zone
SAP71-PI1EnqZone_zone requires SAP71-PI1EnqZone_nic
// resource dependency tree
// group SAP71-PI1EnqZone
// {
// Mount SAP71-PI1EnqZone_mnt
// {
// Zone SAP71-PI1EnqZone_zone
// {
// NIC SAP71-PI1EnqZone_nic
// }
// }
// }

For more details on VCS in Solaris non-global zones, refer to the Veritas Cluster Server User's Guide.

Perform the following steps to configure zones on each cluster node:

Whenever you make a change that effects the zone configuration, run the hazonesetup command to reconfigure the zones in VCS.

Make sure that the zone configuration files are consistent on all nodes at all times. The file is located at /etc/zones/zone_name.xml.

Make sure that the application is identical on all nodes. If you update the application configuration on one node, apply the same updates to all nodes.

Step 2: Create the service group for Enqueue Server.

After you configure the service group for zone resource, you can configure the service groups for Enqueue server.

The following figure shows the resource dependencies for Enqueue Server.

The service group is a failover service group with localized ContainerName attribute for its IP and SAPWebAS71 type resources.

The sample for the Enqueue Service group is as follows:

include ""
include ""
include ""

cluster SolarisZones (
  UserNames = { admin = ElmElgLimHmmKumGlj }
  ClusterAddress = ""
  Administrators = { admin }

system systemA (

system systemB (

system systemC (

group SAP71-PI1SCSZone (
  SystemList = { systemA = 0, systemB = 1, systemC = 2 }

DiskGroup SAP71-PI1SCSZone_dg (
  DiskGroup = sappi1scs_dg

IP SAP71-PI1SCSZone_ip (
  Device = bge0
  Address = ""
  NetMask = ""
  ContainerName @systemA = enqueue_zone1
  ContainerName @systemB = enqueue_zone2
  ContainerName @systemC = enqueue_zone3

Mount SAP71-PI1SCSZone_mnt (
  MountPoint = "/usr/sap/PI1/SCS20"
  BlockDevice = "/dev/vx/dsk/sappi1scs_dg/sappi1scs_vol"
  FSType = vxfs
  FsckOpt = "-y"

NIC SAP71-PI1SCSZone_nic (
  Device = bge0
  NetworkType = ether

SAPWebAS71 SAP71-PI1SCSZone_sap (
  EnvFile = "/home/pi1adm/sappi1.env"
  InstProfile = "/usr/sap/PI1/SYS/profile/PI1_SCS20_sappi1scs"
  InstType = ENQUEUE
  ProcMon = "ms en"
  SAPAdmin = pi1adm
  ContainerName @systemA = enqueue_zone1
  ContainerName @systemB = enqueue_zone2
  ContainerName @systemC = enqueue_zone3

requires group SAP71-PI1EnqZone online local firm
SAP71-PI1SCSZone_mnt requires SAP71-PI1SCSZone_dg
SAP71-PI1SCSZone_ip requires SAP71-PI1SCSZone_nic
SAP71-PI1SCSZone_sap requires SAP71-PI1SCSZone_mnt
SAP71-PI1SCSZone_sap requires SAP71-PI1SCSZone_ip

// resource dependency tree
// group SAP71-PI1SCSZone
// {
// SAPWebAS71 SAP71-PI1SCSZone_sap
//              {
//             Mount SAP71-PI1SCSZone_mnt
//                      {
//                      DiskGroup SAP71-PI1SCSZone_dg
//                       }
//             IP SAP71-PI1SCSZone_ip
//                      {
//                      NIC SAP71-PI1SCSZone_nic
//                      }
//             }
// }

Step 3: Authenticate the Enqueue Server service group under zones with VCS.

Perform the following steps to authenticate the Enqueue Server service group under zones with VCS.

Step 4: Create the service group for Enqueue Replication Server.

After you configure the service group for zone resource and Enqueue Server, configure the service group for Enqueue Replication Server.

The following figure shows the resource dependencies for Enqueue Replication Server.

The service group is a failover service group with localized ContainerName attribute for its IP and SAPWebAS71 type resources.

The sample for Enqueue Replication Server group is as follows.

include ""
include ""
include ""

cluster SolarisZones (
  UserNames = { admin = ElmElgLimHmmKumGlj }
  ClusterAddress = ""
  Administrators = { admin }

system systemA (

system systemB (

system systemC (

group SAP71-PI1ERSZone (
  SystemList = { systemA = 0, systemB = 1, systemC = 2 }

DiskGroup SAP71-PI1ERSZone_dg (
  DiskGroup = sappi1ers_dg

IP SAP71-PI1ERSZone_ip (
  Device = bge0
  Address = ""
  NetMask = ""
  ContainerName @systemA = enqueue_zone1
  ContainerName @systemB = enqueue_zone2
  ContainerName @systemC = enqueue_zone3

Mount SAP71-PI1ERSZone_mnt (
  MountPoint = "/usr/sap/PI1/ERS21"
  BlockDevice = "/dev/vx/dsk/sappi1ers_dg/sappi1ers_vol"
  FSType = vxfs
  FsckOpt = "-y"

NIC SAP71-PI1ERSZone_nic (
  Device = bge0
  NetworkType = ether

SAPWebAS71 SAP71-PI1ERSZone_sap (
  EnvFile = "/home/pi1adm/sappi1.env"
  InstProfile = "/usr/sap/PI1/SYS/profile/PI1_ERS21_sappi1ers"
  InstType = ENQREP
  ProcMon = "er"
  SAPAdmin = pi1adm
  ContainerName @systemA = enqueue_zone1
  ContainerName @systemB = enqueue_zone2
  ContainerName @systemC = enqueue_zone3

requires group SAP71-PI1EnqZone online local firm
SAP71-PI1ERSZone_mnt requires SAP71-PI1ERSZone_dg
SAP71-PI1ERSZone_ip requires SAP71-PI1ERSZone_nic
SAP71-PI1ERSZone_sap requires SAP71-PI1ERSZone_mnt
SAP71-PI1ERSZone_sap requires SAP71-PI1ERSZone_ip

// resource dependency tree
// group SAP71-PI1ERSZone
// {
// SAPWebAS71 SAP71-PI1ERSZone_sap
//              {
//             Mount SAP71-PI1ERSZone_mnt
//                      {
//                      DiskGroup SAP71-PI1ERSZone_dg
//                       }
//             IP SAP71-PI1ERSZone_ip
//                      {
//                      NIC SAP71-PI1ERSZone_nic
//                      }
//             }
// }

Step 5: Perform the following steps to authenticate Enqueue Replication Server service group under zones with VCS.