Sample agent type definition for WebSphere MQ

After importing the agent types into the cluster, if you save the configuration on your system disk using the haconf -dump command, you can find the file in the /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config cluster configuration directory.

Examples of agent type definition files for different versions of VCS are as follows:

For VCS 4.x

type WebSphereMQ6
    static str ArgList[] = { ResLogLevel, State, IState, 
                           QueueManager, CommandServer, MQUser, 
                           MQVer, EnvFile, SecondLevelMonitor, 
                           MonitorProgram, MonitorListener }
    str ResLogLevel = INFO
    str QueueManager
    boolean CommandServer = 1
    str MQUser = mqm
    str MQVer = "6.0"
    str EnvFile
    int SecondLevelMonitor
    str MonitorProgram
    boolean MonitorListerner = 0

For VCS 5.x and VCS 6.0

type WebSphereMQ6 (
    static boolean AEPTimeout = 1
    static str AgentFile = "/opt/VRTSvcs/bin/Script50Agent"
    static str AgentDirectory = "/opt/VRTSagents/ha/bin/WebSphereMQ6"
    static str ArgList[] = { ResLogLevel, State, IState, QueueManager, 
    CommandServer, MQUser, MQVer, EnvFile, SecondLevelMonitor, 
    MonitorProgram, MonitorListener, MQInstallationPath }
    str ResLogLevel = INFO
    str QueueManager
    boolean CommandServer = 0
    str MQUser = mqm
    str MQVer = "6.0"
    str EnvFile
    int SecondLevelMonitor
    str MonitorProgram
    boolean MonitorListener = 0
    str MQInstallationPath