Using DMP to provide multi-pathing for the root volume group (rootvg)

In many cases, the use of MPIO for the rootvg creates a situation with dual multi-pathing tools. To simplify system administration and system reliability, use DMP to provide multi-pathing for the rootvg.

DMP is supported for the rootvg on vSCSI, NPIV, and physical HBAs. DMP is also supported for alternate root disks and root disks with multiple volumes.

To use DMP on the rootvg, DMP requires a vendor-specific ODM predefined fileset. Symantec includes the predefined filesets for vSCSI devices in the Veritas product distribution. For other devices, obtain and install the ODM predefined fileset from the storage vendor. For example, for the IBM DS array, install the fileset. +script&uid=ssg1S4000199&loc=en_US&cs=utf-8&lang=en

Rootability is achieved by using the vxdmpadm command, which uses the OS Native stack support feature internally.

To get help about rootability

To enable rootability

  1. Run the following command:
    # vxdmpadm native enable vgname=rootvg
  2. Reboot the system to enable DMP support for LVM bootablity.

To disable rootability

  1. Run the following command:
    # vxdmpadm native disable vgname=rootvg
  2. Reboot the system to disable DMP support for LVM bootability.

To monitor rootability

For more information about using DMP with rootvg, see the Veritas Dynamic Multi-Pathing Administrator's Guide.