Cluster attributes

Table: Cluster attributes lists the cluster attributes.

Table: Cluster attributes

Cluster Attributes




List of operating system user account groups that have administrative privileges on the cluster. This attribute applies to clusters running in secure mode.

  • Type and dimension: string-keylist

  • Default: ""



Contains list of users with Administrator privileges.

  • Type and dimension: string-keylist

  • Default: ""



If the local cluster cannot communicate with one or more remote clusters, this attribute specifies the number of seconds the VCS engine waits before initiating the AutoStart process for an AutoStart global service group.

  • Type and dimension: integer-scalar

  • Default: 150 seconds



Indicates whether the newly joined or added systems in cluster become part of the SystemList of the ClusterService service group if the service group is configured. The value 1 (default) indicates that the new systems are added to SystemList of ClusterService. The value 0 indicates that the new systems are not added to SystemList of ClusterService.

  • Type and dimension: integer-scalar

  • Default: 1



Time period in minutes after which VCS backs up the configuration files if the configuration is in read-write mode.

The value 0 indicates VCS does not back up configuration files. Set this attribute to at least 3.

  • Type and dimension: integer-scalar

  • Default: 0


(system defined)

The CID provides universally unique identification for a cluster.

VCS populates this attribute once the engine passes an hacf-generated snapshot to it. This happens when VCS is about to go to a RUNNING state from the LOCAL_BUILD state.

Once VCS receives the snapshot from the engine, it reads the file /etc/vx/.uuids/clusuuid file. VCS uses the file's contents as the value for the CID attribute. The clusuuid file's first line must not be empty. If the file does not exists or is empty VCS then exits gracefully and throws an error.

A node that joins a cluster in the RUNNING state receives the CID attribute as part of the REMOTE_BUILD snapshot. Once the node has joined completely, it receives the snapshot. The node reads the file /etc/vx/.uuids/clusuuid to compare the value that it received from the snapshot with value that is present in the file. If the value does not match or if the file does not exist, the joining node exits gracefully and does not join the cluster.

To populate the /etc/vx/.uuids/clusuuid file, run the /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/ utility.

See Configuring and unconfiguring the cluster UUID value.

You cannot change the value of this attribute with the haclus - modify command.

  • Type and dimension: string-scalar

  • Default: ""


(system use only)

Indicates the current state of the cluster.

  • Type and dimension: integer-scalar

  • Default: Not applicable.



Specifies the cluster's virtual IP address (used by a remote cluster when connecting to the local cluster).

  • Type and dimension: string-scalar

  • Default: ""



Specifies the location of the cluster.

  • Type and dimension: string-scalar

  • Default: ""



The name of cluster.

  • Type and dimension: string-scalar

  • Default: ""



This attribute used for VCS notification. VCS sends notifications to persons designated in this attribute when an event occurs related to the cluster. Note that while VCS logs most events, not all events trigger notifications.

Make sure to set the severity level at which you want notifications to be sent to ClusterOwner or to at least one recipient defined in the SmtpRecipients attribute of the NotifierMngr agent.

  • Type and dimension: string-scalar

  • Default: ""

  • Example: ""



This attribute is used for VCS email notification. VCS sends email notification to persons designated in this attribute when events related to the cluster occur and when the event's severity level is equal to or greater than the level specified in the attribute.

Make sure to set the severity level at which you want notifications to be sent to ClusterRecipients or to at least one recipient defined in the SmtpRecipients attribute of the NotifierMngr agent.

  • Type and dimension: string-association

  • email id: The e-mail address of the person registered as a recipient for notification.

    severity: The minimum level of severity at which notifications must be sent.


(system use only)

The number of seconds since January 1, 1970. This is defined by the lowest node in running state.

  • Type and dimension: string-scalar

  • Default: Not applicable


(system use only)

Unique ID assigned to the cluster by Availability Manager.

  • Type and dimension: string-scalar

  • Default: Not applicable


(system use only)

Indicates if VCS engine is to verify that replicated state machine is consistent. This can be set by running the hadebug command.

  • Type and dimension: integer-scalar

  • Default: 0


(system use only)

Indicates the state of the wide-area connector (wac). If 0, wac is not running. If 1, wac is running and communicating with the VCS engine.

  • Type and dimension: integer-scalar

  • Default: Not applicable.



Intervals counted by the attribute GlobalCounter indicating approximately how often a broadcast occurs that will cause the GlobalCounter attribute to increase.

The default value of the GlobalCounter increment can be modified by changing CounterInterval. If you increase this attribute to exceed five seconds, consider increasing the default value of the ShutdownTimeout attribute.

  • Type and dimension: integer-scalar

  • Default: 5



Specifies the action that must be performed when the GlobalCounter is not updated for CounterMissTolerance times the CounterInterval. Possible values are LogOnly and Trigger. If you set CounterMissAction to LogOnly, the system logs the message in Engine Log and Syslog. If you set CounterMissAction to Trigger, the system invokes a trigger which has default action of collecting the comms tar file.

  • Type and dimension: string-scalar

  • Default: LogOnly



Specifies the time interval that can lapse since the last update of GlobalCounter before VCS reports an issue. If the GlobalCounter does not update within CounterMissTolerance times CounterInterval, VCS reports the issue. Depending on the CounterMissAction.value, appropriate action is performed.

  • Type and dimension: integer-scalar

  • Default: 20



The number of days after which the VCS engine renews its credentials with the authentication broker. For example, the value 5 indicates that credentials are renewed every 5 days; the value 0 indicates that credentials are not renewed.

  • Type and dimension: integer-scalar

  • Default = 0



Defines whether you can delete online resources. Set this value to 1 to enable deletion of online resources. Set this value to 0 to disable deletion of online resources.

You can override this behavior by using the -force option with the hares -delete command.

  • Type and dimension: integer-scalar

  • Default = 1


(system use only)

Indicates that the engine is writing or dumping the configuration to disk.

  • Type and dimension: vector

  • Default: Not applicable.



The scheduling class for the VCS engine (HAD).

  • Type and dimension: string-scalar

  • Default: RT



Enables or disables FFDC logging. By default, FFDC logging is enabled.

  • Type and dimension: boolean-scalar

  • Default: 1



Enables or disables auto discovery of virtual machines. By default, auto discovery of virtual machines is disabled.

  • Type and dimension: integer-scalar

  • Default: 0



The priority in which HAD runs.

  • Type and dimension: string-scalar

  • Default: ""



Defines the options for the hastop command. The attribute can assume the following values:

Enable - Process all hastop commands. This is the default behavior.

Disable - Reject all hastop commands.

DisableClusStop - Do not process the hastop -all command; process all other hastop commands.

PromptClusStop - Prompt for user confirmation before running the hastop -all command; process all other hastop commands.

PromptLocal - Prompt for user confirmation before running the hastop -local command; reject all other hastop commands.

PromptAlways - Prompt for user confirmation before running any hastop command.

  • Type and dimension: string-scalar

  • Default: Enable


(system use only)

This counter increases incrementally by one for each counter interval. It increases when the broadcast is received.

VCS uses the GlobalCounter attribute to measure the time it takes to shut down a system. By default, the GlobalCounter attribute is updated every five seconds. This default value, combined with the 600-second default value of the ShutdownTimeout attribute, means if system goes down within 120 increments of GlobalCounter, it is treated as a fault. Change the value of the CounterInterval attribute to modify the default value of GlobalCounter increment.

  • Type and dimension: integer-scalar

  • Default: Not applicable.



List of operating system user accounts that have Guest privileges on the cluster.

This attribute is valid clusters running in secure mode.

  • Type and dimension: string-keylist

  • Default: ""



Maximum number of service groups.

  • Type and dimension: integer-scalar

  • Default: 200



This attribute has two, case-sensitive values:

NONE - hacli is disabled for all users regardless of role.

COMMANDROOT - hacli is enabled for root only.


The command haclus -modify HacliUserLevel can be executed by root only.

  • Type and dimension: string-scalar

  • Default: NONE



Controls the behavior of the HostMonitor feature.

Configure this attribute when you start the cluster. You cannot modify this attribute in a running cluster.

This attribute has the following possible values:

ALL - The HostMonitor daemon logs messages engine log and to the agent log.

HMAgentLog - The HostMonitor daemon does not log messages to the engine log; the daemon logs messages to the HostMonitor agent log.

DisableHMAgent - Disables the HostMonitor feature.

  • Type and dimension: string-scalar

  • Default: ALL



Controls the locking of VCS engine pages in memory. This attribute has the following values. Values are case-sensitive:

ALL: Locks all current and future pages.

CURRENT: Locks current pages.

NONE: Does not lock any pages.

On AIX, this attribute includes only one value, all, which is the default. This value locks text and data into memory (process lock).

  • Type and dimension: string-scalar

  • Default: ALL



Enables or disables logging of the cluster UUID in each log message. By default, cluster UUID is not logged.

  • Type and dimension: boolean-scalar

  • Default: 0



Indicates the size of engine log files in bytes.

Minimum value is = 65536 (equal to 64KB)

Maximum value = 134217728 (equal to 128MB)

  • Type and dimension: integer-scalar

  • Default: 33554432


(system use only)

Indicates the status of the notifier in the cluster; specifically:

State - Current state of notifier, such as whether or not it is connected to VCS.

Host - The host on which notifier is currently running or was last running. Default = None

Severity - The severity level of messages queued by VCS for notifier. Values include Information, Warning, Error, and SevereError. Default = Warning

Queue - The size of queue for messages queued by VCS for notifier.

  • Type and dimension: string-association

  • Default: Different values for each parameter.



List of operating system user groups that have Operator privileges on the cluster.

This attribute is valid clusters running in secure mode.

  • Type and dimension: string-keylist

  • Default: ""



List of users with Cluster Operator privileges.

  • Type and dimension: string-keylist

  • Default: ""



Indicate the action that you want VCS engine (HAD) to take if it cannot receive messages from GAB due to low-memory.

  • If the value is 0, VCS exits with warnings.

  • If the value is 1, VCS calls the GAB library routine to panic the system.

  • Default: 0


The I/O fencing race policy to determine the surviving subcluster in the event of a network partition. Valid values are Disabled, System, or Group.

Disabled: Preferred fencing is disabled. The fencing driver favors the subcluster with maximum number of nodes during the race for coordination points.

System: The fencing driver gives preference to the system that is more powerful than others in terms of architecture, number of CPUs, or memory during the race for coordination points. VCS uses the system-level attribute FencingWeight to calculate the node weight.

Group: The fencing driver gives preference to the node with higher priority service groups during the race for coordination points. VCS uses the group-level attribute Priority to determine the node weight.

See About preferred fencing.

  • Type and dimension: string-scalar

  • Default: "Disabled"



Enables logging TagM messages in engine log if set to 1.

  • Type and dimension: boolean-scalar

  • Default: 0



Indicates the scheduling class processes created by the VCS engine. For example, triggers.

  • Type and dimension: string-scalar

  • Default = TS



The priority of processes created by the VCS engine. For example triggers.

  • Type and dimension: string-scalar

  • Default: ""



Indicates that cluster is in read-only mode.

  • Type and dimension: integer-scalar

  • Default: 1



Maximum number of resources.

  • Type and dimension: integer-scalar

  • Default: 5000



Enables creation of secure passwords, when the SecInfo attribute is added to the file with the security key as the value of the attribute.

  • Type and dimension: string-scalar

  • Default: ""

See Encrypting agent passwords.



Denotes the password encryption privilege level.

  • Type and dimension: string-scalar

  • Default: R

See Encrypting agent passwords.



Indicates whether the cluster runs in secure mode. The value 1 indicated the cluster runs in secure mode. This attribute cannot be modified when VCS is running.

  • Type and dimension: boolean-scalar

  • Default: 0



File from which the configuration is read. Do not configure this attribute in

Make sure the path exists on all nodes before running a command that configures this attribute.

  • Type and dimension: string-scalar

  • Default: Not applicable.



The IP address and hostname of systems running the steward process.

  • Type and dimension: string-keylist

  • {}



Determines whether frozen service groups are ignored on system reboot.

  • Type and dimension: string-keylist

  • Default: ""

If the SystemRebootAction value is IgnoreFrozenGroup , VCS ignores service groups that are frozen (TFrozen and Frozen) and takes the remaining service groups offline. If the frozen service groups have firm dependencies or hard dependencies on any other service groups which are not frozen, VCS gives an error.

If the SystemRebootAction value is "", VCS tries to take all service groups offline. Because VCS cannot be gracefully stopped on a node where a frozen service group is online, applications on the node might get killed.


The SystemRebootAction attribute applies only on system reboot and system shutdown.



Maximum number of resource types.

  • Type and dimension: integer-scalar

  • Default: 100



Indicates whether the cluster uses SCSI-3 I/O fencing.

The value SCSI3 indicates that the cluster uses either disk-based or server-based I/O fencing. The value NONE indicates it does not use either.

  • Type and dimension: string-scalar

  • Default: NONE



List of VCS users. The installer uses admin as the default user name.

  • Type and dimension: string-association

  • Default: ""


(system use only)

Indicates which VCS features are enabled. Possible values are:

0 - No features are enabled (VCS Simulator)

1 - L3+ is enabled

2 - Global Cluster Option is enabled

Even though the VCSFeatures is an integer attribute, when you query the value with the haclus -value command or the haclus -display command, it displays as the string L10N for value 1 and DR for value 2.

  • Type and dimension: integer-scalar

  • Default: Not applicable.


(system use only)

Denotes the mode for which VCS is licensed.

Even though the VCSMode is an integer attribute, when you query the value with the haclus -value command or the haclus -display command, it displays as the string UNKNOWN_MODE for value 0 and VCS for value 7.

  • Type and dimension: integer-scalar

  • Default:Not applicable



The TCP port on which the wac (Wide-Area Connector) process on the local cluster listens for connection from remote clusters. Type and dimension: integer-scalar

  • Default: 14155

More Information

Scheduling automatic backups for VCS configuration files

About VCS event notification