About the main.cf file for cluster 2

The contents of the main.cf file for cluster 2 (C2) in the top tier, containing the sysC and sysD nodes.

include "types.cf"

cluster C2 (
    ClusterAddress = ""

remotecluster C1 (
    ClusterAddress = ""

heartbeat Icmp (
    ClusterList = { C1 }
    AYATimeout = 30
    Arguments @C1 = { "" }

system sysC (

system sysD (

group LSG (
    SystemList = { sysC = 0, sysD = 1 }
    ClusterList = { C2 = 0, C1 = 1 }
    Authority = 1
    AutoStartList = { sysC, sysD }
    ClusterFailOverPolicy = Auto

    FileOnOff filec2 (
        PathName = filec2

    RemoteGroup RGR (
        IpAddress = ""
        // The above IPAddress is the highly available address of C4 - 
        // the same address that the wac uses
        Username = root
        Password = vvvyyy
        GroupName = RSG
        VCSSysName = ANY
        ControlMode = OnOff