Displaying DMP statistics for queued or erroneous I/Os

Use the vxdmpadm iostat show command with the -q option to display the I/Os queued in DMP for a specified DMP node, or for a specified path or controller. For a DMP node, the -q option displays the I/Os on the specified DMP node that were sent to underlying layers. If a path or controller is specified, the -q option displays I/Os that were sent to the given path or controller and not yet returned to DMP.

See the vxdmpadm(1m) manual page for more information about the vxdmpadm iostat command.

To display queued I/O counts on a DMP node:

# vxdmpadm -q iostat show [filter] [interval=n [count=m]]

For example, to show the queued I/O counts on a DMP node:

# vxdmpadm -q iostat show dmpnodename=hdisk10
cpu usage = 529us    per cpu memory = 49152b
                    QUEUED I/Os     PENDING I/Os
hdisk10           0        0        0

To display the count of I/Os that returned with errors on a DMP node, path or controller:

# vxdmpadm -e iostat show [filter] [interval=n [count=m]]

For example, to show the I/O counts that returned errors on a path:

# vxdmpadm -e iostat show pathname=hdisk55
cpu usage = 656us    per cpu memory = 49152b
                           ERROR I/Os
PATHNAME                 READS    WRITES
hdisk55                  0        0