About the types.cf file

The types.cf file describes standard resource types to the VCS engine; specifically, the data required to control a specific resource.

The types definition performs the following two important functions:

The following example illustrates a DiskGroup resource type definition for HP-UX:

  type DiskGroup (
        static keylist SupportedActions = { 
        "license.vfd", "disk.vfd", "udid.vfd",
        "verifyplex.vfd", campusplex, volinuse, 
        checkudid, numdisks, joindg, splitdg, 
        getvxvminfo }
            static int NumThreads = 1
            static int OnlineRetryLimit = 1
            static str ArgList[] = { DiskGroup, 
        StartVolumes, StopVolumes, MonitorOnly, 
        MonitorReservation, PanicSystemOnDGLoss,
        tempUseFence, DiskGroupType, 
        UmountVolumes, Reservation }
            str DiskGroup
            boolean StartVolumes = 1
            boolean StopVolumes = 1
            boolean MonitorReservation = 0
            boolean PanicSystemOnDGLoss = 0
            temp str tempUseFence = INVALID
            str DiskGroupType = private
            int UmountVolumes
            str Reservation = ClusterDefault

For another example, review the following main.cf and types.cf files that represent an IP resource:

main.cf for HP-UX:

    IP nfs_ip1 (
        Device = lan0
        Address = ""
        NetMask = ""

types.cf for HP-UX:

    type IP (
        static keylist SupportedActions = { "device.vfd", "route.vfd" }
        static str ArgList[] = { Device, Address, NetMask, Options, 
        ArpDelay, IfconfigTwice, PrefixLen, RouteOptions }
        str Device
        str Address
        str NetMask
        str Options
        int ArpDelay = 1
        int IfconfigTwice
        int PrefixLen
        str RouteOptions

More Information

About attribute data types

About attribute data types