Specifying a non-default layout

You can specify one or more of the following relayout options to change the default layout configuration:


Specifies the number of columns.


Specifies the number of columns to add.


Specifies the number of columns to remove.


Specifies the stripe width.

The following examples use vxassist to change the stripe width and number of columns for a striped volume in the disk group dbasedg:

# vxassist -g dbasedg relayout vol03 stripeunit=64k ncol=6
# vxassist -g dbasedg relayout vol03 ncol=+2
# vxassist -g dbasedg relayout vol03 stripeunit=128k

The following example changes a concatenated volume to a RAID-5 volume with four columns:

# vxassist -g dbasedg relayout vol04 layout=raid5 ncol=4