Displaying the values of the VxVM tunables

The vxtune command allows you to display the values for tunable parameters in the following ways:

To display all of the VxVM tunable parameters

To display the tunables for a VxVM component

  1. The VxVM tunable parameters are classified into components.

    To check the list of recognized components, use the following command:

    # vxtune help components
  2. To display the tunables for a VxVM component, specify the component name.
    # vxtune component

    For example, to display the supported tunables for VVR, use the following command:

    # vxtune vvr
    Tunable              Current Value Default Value Reboot
    -------------------- ------------- ------------- ------
    vol_cmpres_enabled               0             0      N
    vol_cmpres_threads              10            10      N
    vol_max_nmpool_sz         67108864      67108864      N
    vol_max_rdback_sz        134217728     134217728      N
    vol_max_wrspool_sz        67108864      67108864      N
    vol_min_lowmem_sz           540672        540672      N
    vol_nm_hb_timeout               10            10      N
    vol_rvio_maxpool_sz      105224192     134217728      N

    Additional options are -l to display a description, -r to display the output in bytes, and -uh to display the output in human-friendly units.

To display the value of a specific tunable