CVM commands supported for executing on the slave node

Table: List of CVM commands supported for executing on the slave node shows the complete list of commands that are supported for executing on the slave node.

Table: List of CVM commands supported for executing on the slave node


Supported operations


vxdg -s init <shared_dg> [cds=on|off]

vxdg -T < different_versions> -s init <shared_dg> [minor=base-minor] [cds=on|off]

vxdg [-n newname] [-h new-host-id] deport <shared_dg>

vxdg [-Cfst] [-n newname] [-o clearreserve] [-o useclonedev={on|off}] [-o updateid] [-o noreonline] [-o selectcp=diskid] [-o dgtype=shared] import <shared_dg>

vxdg destroy <shared_dg>

vxdg -g <shared_dg> [-o overridessb] [-f] adddisk [disk=]device

vxdg-g <shared_dg>addsite site

vxdg -g <shared_dg> reattachsite site

vxdg -g <shared_dg> detachsite site

vxdg -g <shared_dg> rmsite site

vxdg -g <shared_dg> renamesite oldname newname

vxdg flush <shared_dg>

vxdg [-qa] -g <shared_dg> free [ medianame...]

vxdg join sourcedg targetdg ( both dgs should be shared )

vxdg split sourcedg targetdg

vxdg [-q] [-s] [-o listreserve] list [diskgroup...]

vxdg [-o expand] move sourcedg targetdg object ( both dgs should be shared )

vxdg -g shared_dg recover

vxdg -g <shared_dg> [-f] reminor <shared_dg> new-minor-number

vxdg -g <shared_dg> rmdisk medianame...

vxdg -g <shared_dg>[-q] spare [ medianame...]

vxdg -g <shared_dg> [-f] [-o retain|replace] settag [encl:<enclosure>] name[=value name[=value]

vxdg [-q] listtag <shared_dg>

vxdg -g <shared_dg> rmtag [encl:<enclosure>] name=value

vxdg -g <shared_dg> set siteconsistent=on

vxdg upgrade <shared_dg>

vxdg -g <shared_dg>set attr=value ...


vxassist -g <shared_dg> [ -b ] convert volume layout=<type>

vxassist -g <shared_dg> [ -b ] addlog volume

vxassist -g <shared_dg> [-b] mirror volume

vxassist [-b]-g <shared_dg>make volume length [layout=layout] diskname ...

vxassist -g <shared_dg> [-b] growby volume lengthchange [attribute ...]

vxassist [-b] -g <shared_dg> growto volume newlength

vxassist -g <shared_dg> shrinkby volume lengthchange

vxassist -g <shared_dg> shrinkto volume newlength

vxassist -g <shared_dg> settag volume|vset tagname[=tagvalue]

vxassist -g <shared_dg>replacetag volume|vset oldtag newtag

vxassist -g <shared_dg> removetag volume|vset tagname

vxassist -g <shared_dg> move volume-name storage-spec

vxassist -g <shared_dg> relayout {volume-name} layout=<type>

vxassist -g <shared_dg> remove {volume|mirror|log} volume-name

vxassist -g <shared_dg> snapshot volume-name [snapshot-name] [comment=<comment>]

vxassist -g <shared_dg> snapstart volume

vxassist -g <shared_dg> maxsize layout=<> nmirror=<> / nlog=<>

vxassist -g <shared_dg> maxgrow volume

vxassist -g <shared_dg> snapback snapvol

vxassist -g <shared_dg> snapclear snapvol1


vxcache -g <shared_dg> start cacheobject

vxcache -g <shared_dg> stop cacheobject

vxcache -g <shared_dg> att volume cacheobject

vxcache -g <shared_dg> dis cachevol

vxcache -g <shared_dg> shrinkcacheto cacheobject newlength

vxcache -g <shared_dg> shrinkcacheby cacheobject lengthchange

vxcache -g <shared_dg> growcacheto cacheobject newlength

vxcache -g <shared_dg> growcacheby cacheobject lengthchange


vxdco -g <shared_dg> dis dco

vxdco -g <shared_dg> att volume dco

vxdco -g <shared_dg>[-o force] enable dco


vxedit -g <shared_dg> set comment="plex comment" plex1

vxedit -g <shared_dg> -rf rm volume

vxedit -g <shared_dg>rename oldname newname

vxedit -g <shared_dg> set what=value

vxedit-g <shared_dg> set user=value mode=value medianame

vxedit -g <shared_dg> set failing=off <disk name>

vxedit -g <shared_dg> set fstype volumename

vxedit -g <shared_dg> set len subdisk

vxedit -g <shared_dg> set orig_dmname subdisk

vxedit -g <shared_dg> set orig_dmoffset subdisk

vxedit -g <shared_dg> set diskdetpolicy diskgroup


vxmake -g <shared_dg> sd name [attr...]

vxmake-g <shared_dg>plex plex sd=subdisk1[,subdisk2,...]

vxmake -g <shared_dg> -U fsgen vol homevol1 plex=plex-1

vxmake -g <shared_dg> -U fsgen vol volume1 plex=plex1,plex2

vxmake -g <shared_dg> cache name regionsize=<size>

vxmake -g <shared_dg> dco volume log=dco


vxmend -g <shared_dg> on plex

vxmend -g <shared_dg> off plex


vxmirror -g <shared_dg>medianame

vxmirror -g <shared_dg> -d [yes|no]


vxplex -g <shared_dg> att volume plex

vxplex -g <shared_dg> cp volume new_plex

vxplex -g <shared_dg> dis plex1

vxplex -g <shared_dg>mv original_plex new_plex

vxplex -g <shared_dg> snapstart vol snapplex

vxplex -g <shared_dg> snaphot snapplex

vxplex -g <shared_dg> snapback vol snapplex

vxplex -g <shared_dg> plex


vxrelayout -g <shared_dg> status volume

vxrelayout -g <shared_dg> start volume

vxrelayout -g <shared_dg> reverse volname


vxsd -g <shared_dg> assoc plex subdisk1 [subdisk2 subdisk3 ...]

vxsd -g <shared_dg> [-o force] dis subdisk

vxsd -g <shared_dg> mv old_subdisk new_subdisk [new_subdisk ...]

vxsd -g <shared_dg> aslog plex2 sdisk3

vxsd -g <shared_dg> join subdisk1 subdisk2 ... new_subdisk

vxsd -g <shared_dg> [-o force] dis subdisk

vxsd -g <shared_dg> split subdisk newsd [newsd2]...


vxsnap -g <shared_dg> addmir volume [nmirror=N]

vxsnap -g <shared_dg> prepare volume

vxsnap -g <shared_dg> rmmir volume

vxsnap -g <shared_dg>unprepare volume

vxsnap -g <shared_dg> make snapshot_tuple [snapshot_tuple]... [alloc=storage_attributes]

vxsnap [-f] -g <shared_dg> dis volume

vxsnap -g <shared_dg> addmap volumename count

vxsnap -g <shared_dg> print volumename

vxsnap -g <shared_dg> list volumename

vxsnap -g <shared_dg> syncwait snapvol

vxsnap -g <shared_dg> snapwait

vxsnap -g <shared_dg> refresh snapvol source=volume

vxsnap -g <shared_dg> restore target source=volname

vxsnap -g <shared_dg> split volumename

vxsnap -g <shared_dg> reattach volname source=volname


vxsnptadm -g <shared_dg> create vol [snptname=snpt] [snapvolname=snapvol] [data={yes|no}]

vxsnptadm -g <shared_dg> info vol [snptname=snpt]

vxsnptadm -g <shared_dg> remove vol snptname=snpt

vxsnptadm -g <shared_dg> removeall vol [cookie=cookie]

vxsnptadm -g <shared_dg> rename vol snptname=snpt newname=snpt2


vxvol -g <shared_dg> set logtype=drl | drlseq volume

vxvol -g <shared_dg> start volume

vxvol -g <shared_dg> stop volume

vxvol -g <shared_dg> {startall|stopall} volume

vxvol -g <shared_dg> init enable volume

vxvol -g <shared_dg> init active volume

vxvol -g <shared_dg> maint volumename

vxvol -g <shared_dg> set len volumename

vxvol -g <shared_dg> set logtype volumename

vxvol -g <shared_dg> set loglen volumename


vxvset -g <shared_dg> make volume-set-name volume-name

vxvset -g <shared_dg> addvol volume-set-name volume-name

vxvset -g <shared_dg> list volume-set-name

vxvset -g <shared_dg> rmvol volume-set-name volume-name

vxvset -g <shared_dg> stop volume-set-name

vxvset -g <shared_dg> start volume-set-name


vxevac -g <shared_dg> medianame


vxresize [ -Vsb] [-F fstype] -g <shared_dg> volume length


vxrecover -g <shared_dg>

vxrecover -g <shared_dg> volume


vxckdiskrm -g <shared_dg> medianame