Administering Common Internet File System

To be able to access a CIFS exported file system from a Windows client you must first add a virtual IP. You must specify this virtual IP while sharing a file system via CIFS.

Adding a virtual IP:

cfsshare addvip [ -a nodename ] device address netmask [networkhosts]

For example:

# cfsshare addvip eth0 \

The cfsshare addvip command lets you specify only one network interface, that is assumed to be present on all cluster nodes. If you want to specify different network interfaces for different cluster nodes, then you need to run certain VCS commands. For example:

# haconf -makerw
# hares -local vip1 Device
# hares -modify vip1 Device eth1 -sys system01 
# hares -modify vip1 Device eth2 -sys system02 
# hares -local nic1 Device
# hares -modify nic1 Device eth1 -sys system01
# hares -modify nic1 Device eth2 -sys system02
# haconf -dump -makero

where vip1 is the virtual IP resource created by the cfsshare addvip command.

where nic1 is the NIC resource respectively created by the cfsshare addvip command.

where system01 and system02 are the cluster nodes.

Adding and sharing a file system via CIFS:

cfsshare add -p cifs [-D] -v address -n cifs_share_name \
shared_disk_group shared_volume mount_point \
share_options all=[ mount_options ]

For example:

# cfsshare add -p cifs -v \
-n sh1 sharedg vol1 /mnt1 "readonly=no" all=


You can also use the -C option to specify the CIFS share options.

See the cfsshare(1M) manual page for more information.

Run the following command to the display the currently exported file systems:

# cfsshare display
CNFS metadata filesystem : /locks
Protocols Configured : NFS
share1        /defragvol      NFS        rw,no_root_squash

Deleting a previous shared file system:

cfsshare delete -p cifs mount_point

For example:

# cfsshare delete -p cifs /mnt1

Deleting the VIP added previously:

cfsshare deletevip address

For example:

# cfsshare deletevip