Creating a file replication job

To create a replication job, you must configure the replication job on both the source and target systems with the same parameters. The vfradmin createjob command creates the configuration for the replication job. However, it does not start the replication automatically. You must specify the -s option when creating the replication job on the source system and the -t option when creating the replication job on the target system.


When creating a new replication job, the target file system must be empty, otherwise the full-sync of the replication job will fail.

To create a replication job, use the following command on both the source and target systems:

# vfradmin createjob [-p tgt_port] [-s|-t] [-d 0|1] [-c none|xor] name \
 src_addr src_mnpt tgt_addr tgt_mntpt freq


tgt_port is the target port. If no port is specified, the default port 56987 is used. The replication target daemon must be running with the same port, otherwise the replication job will fail with a "connection refused" error.

name is the name of the replication job you are creating.

src_addr is the IP address or DNS name of the source system. This address is used as the source for connections.

src_mntpt is the mount point on the source system.

tgt_addr is the IP address or DNS name of the target system.

tgt_mntpt is the mount point on the target system.

freq is the frequency in which the replication job runs. The frequency parameter is specified in minutes and valid values range from 15 minutes to 180 minutes.

The -d option lets you to turn debugging off or on. The default value is 1.

The -c option sets the checksum based comparison to none or xor. None specifies that checksum based comparison is not performed on the target system before making the extents shared. Once disabled, the option cannot be enabled again for the same replication job. Xor specifies that the target system computes 64 bit wide xor of data in the extent and uses it as a checksum to compare with the expected value sent from the source system before sharing the extent. The default value is none.


If the configuration information for a replication job on the source system does not match the configuration information on the target system, running the replication job will fail with a configuration mismatch error and a message will be added to the vxfstaskd.log and system log file.