Setting up the VM guest

Following is a high-level overview of the steps required for setting up KVMs. For detailed instructions, refer to Red Hat Enterprise Linux Virtualization Guide.

  1. Before creating VM guests, ensure that CPU and memory resources are available to create VM guests on all nodes in the cluster.

  2. Make sure that the required KVM packages are installed on the hosts.

  3. Make sure that the service libvirtd is running on the hosts where VM guests are to be created.

  4. Create VM guests. For network configuration, refer to the Network configuration for VM-VM cluster in Appendix A..

  5. Install the operating system in the VM guests.

  6. Repeat the above steps for all VM guests that you want to be a part of the cluster.

  7. Install VCS on all the VM guests. For information about installing VCS, refer to the Veritas Cluster Server Installation Guide.

  8. Configure the VCS resources that you want VCS to manage. For more information, refer to the VCS documentation.

See Network configuration for VM-VM cluster.