Boot image management with KVM and Veritas Storage Foundation High Availability (SFHA) Solutions

With the ever-growing application workload needs of data centers comes the requirement to dynamically create virtual environments. This creates a need for the ability to provision and customize virtual machines on-the-fly. Every virtual machine created needs to be provisioned with a CPU, memory, network and I/O resources.

As the number of guest virtual machines increase on the physical host, it becomes increasingly important to have an automatic, space-optimizing provisioning mechanism. Space-savings can be achieved as all the guest virtual machines can be installed with the same operating system, i.e., boot volume. Hence, rather than allocate a full boot volume for each guest, it is sufficient to create single boot volume and use space-optimized snapshots of that "Golden Boot Volume" as boot images for other virtual machines.

The primary I/O resource needed is a boot image, which is an operating system environment that consists of: the following

For boot image management, Storage Foundation and High Availability (SFHA) Solutions products enable you to manage and instantly deploy virtual machines based on templates and snapshot-based boot images (snapshots may be full or space optimized). For effective boot image management in KVM based virtual environments, deploy the SFHA Solutions products in the combined host and guest configuration.

Benefits of boot image management: