Migrating between fencing configurations using response files

Typically, you can use the response file that the installer generates after you migrate between I/O fencing configurations. Edit these response files to perform an automated fencing reconfiguration in the VCS cluster.

To configure I/O fencing using response files

  1. Make sure that VCS is configured.
  2. Make sure system-to-system communication is functioning properly.
  3. Make sure that the VCS cluster is online and uses either disk-based or server-based fencing.
    # vxfenadm -d

    For example, if VCS cluster uses disk-based fencing:

    I/O Fencing Cluster Information:
    Fencing Protocol Version: 201
    Fencing Mode: SCSI3
    Fencing SCSI3 Disk Policy: dmp
    Cluster Members:
    		* 0 (galaxy)
    		1 (nebula)
    RFSM State Information:
    		node 0 in state 8 (running)
    		node 1 in state 8 (running)

    For example, if the VCS cluster uses server-based fencing:

    I/O Fencing Cluster Information:
    Fencing Protocol Version: 201
    Fencing Mode: Customized
    Fencing Mechanism: cps
    Cluster Members:
    		* 0 (galaxy)
    		1 (nebula)
    RFSM State Information:
    		node 0 in state 8 (running)
    		node 1 in state 8 (running)
  4. Copy the response file to one of the cluster systems where you want to configure I/O fencing.

    Review the sample files to reconfigure I/O fencing.

    See Sample response file to migrate from disk-based to server-based fencing.

    See Sample response file to migrate from server-based fencing to disk-based fencing.

    See Sample response file to migrate from single CP server-based fencing to server-based fencing.

  5. Edit the values of the response file variables as necessary.

    See Response file variables to migrate between fencing configurations.

  6. Start the I/O fencing reconfiguration from the system to which you copied the response file. For example:
    # /opt/VRTS/install/installvcs -responsefile /tmp/response_file

    Where /tmp/response_file is the response file's full path name.