Configuring Oracle for Direct NFS

You can configure Oracle as a Direct Network File System (NFS) client by performing the steps in the following example procedure. In this example procedure, Oracle Database version (single instance) is installed on a Linux box.

To configure Oracle for Direct NFS

  1. Mount the NFS file systems.

    See Recommended mount options for NFS.

    [orahost1]# mount -t nfs -o  \
    rw,bg,hard,nointr,rsize=1048576,wsize=1048576,noac,forcedirectio,vers=3,suid  \   
    virtual_IP:/oranfsdata  /oranfsdata


    Use the virtual IP (VIP) in the mount command.

  2. Enable the Oracle Disk Manager (ODM) library that supports the Direct NFS client.


    You must replace the standard ODM library with one that supports the Direct NFS client to enable the Direct NFS client.

    [orahost1]# cd $ORACLE_HOME/lib  
    [orahost1]# mv libodm11.so_bak  
    [orahost1]# ln -s  
  3. Set up oranfstab.

    See About oranfstab.