Installing VirtualStore utilities for the Oracle database

To install VirtualStore utilities for the Oracle database

  1. Login as root.
  2. Set umask 002.
  3. Create the following directory:
    # mkdir /opt/VRTSdbsnap
  4. Change to the /opt/VRTSdbsnap directory:
    # cd /opt/VRTSdbsnap
  5. Download the DBSNAP utilities from
  6. Unzip the DBSNAP file using the gzip command. This provides a file by name dbsnap-MM-DD-YY.tar.
  7. Extract the TAR image:
    # tar xvf dbsnap-MM-DD-YY.tar
  8. Ensure that you add the /opt/VRTSdbsnap/bin to your PATH for the Oracle login user.
  9. Ensure that you add the /opt/VRTSdbsnap/man to your MANPATH for the Oracle login user.