Boot-time volume restrictions

When the operating system is booted, the root file system and swap area must be available for use before the vxconfigd daemon can load the VxVM configuration or start any volumes. During system startup, the operating system must see the rootvol and swapvol volumes as regular partitions so that it can access them as ordinary disk partitions.

Due to this restriction, each of the rootvol and swapvol plexes must be created from contiguous space on a disk that is mapped to a single partition. It is not possible to stripe, concatenate or span the plex of a rootvol or swapvol volume that is used for booting. Any mirrors of these plexes that are potentially bootable also cannot be striped, concatenated or spanned.

Volumes on the root disk have the following restrictions on their configuration:

In addition to these requirements, it is a good idea to have at least one contiguous, (cylinder-aligned if appropriate) mirror for each of the volumes for root, usr, var, opt and swap. This makes it easier to convert these from volumes back to regular disk partitions (during an operating system upgrade, for example).