Growing an encapsulated boot disk

The target disk for the grow operation must be large enough to accommodate the grown volumes. The grow operation can be performed on the active boot disk or a snapshot boot disk.

When you grow an encapsulated boot disk, the format of the grow keyword depends on whether the operation can be completed in one or more phases.

To grow a non-booted root disk created as a snapshot or using the mksnap keyword, use the following format.

# vxrootadm -s srcdisk [-g dg] grow destdisk volumename=newsize \
volumename=newsize ... 

Because the disk is not the currently booted root disk, you can complete all operations in a single phase without a reboot.

Growing a booted root disk requires four phases. For phase 1, use the command above. For phases 2 to 4, specify vxrootadm grow continue.

To grow an active encapsulated boot disk

  1. To complete the grow operation on the active boot disk requires three reboots to complete the grow operations for the selected volume (rootvol, usrvol, or swapvol).
  2. Enter the following command:
    # vxrootadm -s disk_0 -g rootdg grow disk_1 rootvol=80g

    In this example, disk_0 is an encapsulated boot disk associated with the boot disk group rootdg. disk_1 is the target disk and rootvol is a 60g volume to be grown.

    You are prompted when a reboot is required (with specific command needed), and how to continue the grow operation after the reboot is completed.

    When the grow operation completes, the target disk is the active boot disk, the volume has grown to the selected size, and the source boot disk is removed from the boot disk group (rootdg).

To grow a snapshot (not active) encapsulated boot disk

  1. For a grow operation on the snapshot (not active) boot disk, no reboots are required to complete the grow operations for the selected volume (rootvol, usrvol, or swapvol).
  2. Enter the following command:
    # vxrootadm -s disk_1 -g snapdg grow disk_2 rootvol=80g

    In this example, disk_1 is a snapshot encapsulated boot disk associated with the disk group snapdg. disk_2 is the target disk and rootvol is a 60g volume to be grown.

    When the grow operation completes, the target disk volume is grown to the indicated size, and the source disk is removed from the disk group (snapdg).

    See Booting from alternate boot disks.\