Sample /etc/vxfenmode file for non-SCSI-3 fencing

# vxfen_mode determines in what mode VCS I/O Fencing should work.
# available options:
# scsi3      - use scsi3 persistent reservation disks
# customized - use script based customized fencing
# disabled   - run the driver but don't do any actual fencing

# vxfen_mechanism determines the mechanism for customized I/O 
# fencing that should be used.
# available options:
# cps      - use a coordination point server with optional script
#            controlled scsi3 disks

# scsi3_disk_policy determines the way in which I/O Fencing
# communicates with the coordination disks. This field is required
# only if customized coordinator disks are being used.
# available options:
# dmp - use dynamic multipathing
# raw - connect to disks using the native interface
# scsi3_disk_policy=dmp

# Seconds for which the winning sub cluster waits to allow for the 
# losing subcluster to panic & drain I/Os. Useful in the absence of 
# SCSI3 based data disk fencing

# Seconds for which vxfend process wait for a customized fencing
# script to complete. Only used with vxfen_mode=customized

# security when enabled uses secure communication to the cp server
# using VxAT (Veritas Authentication Service)
# available options:
# 0	- don't use Veritas Authentication Service for cp server 
#	  communication
# 1 	- use Veritas Authentication Service for cp server 
#	  communication

# Specify 3 or more odd number of coordination points in this file, 
# one in its own line. They can be all-CP servers, all-SCSI-3  
# compliant coordinator disks, or a combination of CP servers and  
# SCSI-3 compliant coordinator disks. Please ensure that the CP  
# server coordination points are numbered sequentially and in the  
# same order on all the cluster nodes. 
# Coordination Point Server(CPS) is specified as: 
# 	cps<number>=[<vip/vhn>]:<port>
# If a CPS supports multiple virtual IPs or virtual hostnames over 
# different subnets, all of the IPs/names can be specified in a 
# comma separated list as follows:
#	cps<number>=[<vip_1/vhn_1>]:<port_1>,[<vip_2/vhn_2>]:<port_2>,...,
#  [<vip_n/vhn_n>]:<port_n>
# Where,
#	<number>
#		is the serial number of the CPS as a coordination point; must
#		start with 1.
#	<vip>
#		is the virtual IP address of the CPS, must be specified in
#		square brackets ("[]").
#	<vhn>
#		is the virtual hostname of the CPS, must be specified in square
#		brackets ("[]").
#	<port>
#		is the port number bound to a particular <vip/vhn> of the CPS.
#		It is optional to specify a <port>. However, if specified, it
#		must follow a colon (":") after <vip/vhn>. If not specified, the
#		colon (":") must not exist after <vip/vhn>.
# For all the <vip/vhn>s which do not have a specified <port>, a 
# default port can be specified as follows:
#	port=<default_port>
# 	Where <default_port> is applicable to all the <vip/vhn>s for 
# 	which a <port> is not specified. In other words, specifying <port> 
# 	with a <vip/vhn> overrides the <default_port> for that <vip/vhn>.
#	If the <default_port> is not specified, and there are <vip/vhn>s for
#	which <port> is not specified, then port number 14250 will be used
#	for such <vip/vhn>s.
# Example of specifying CP Servers to be used as coordination points:
#	port=57777
#	cps1=[],[]:58888,[]
# cps2=[]
#	cps3=[]:59999
#	In the above example,
#	- port 58888 will be used for vip []
#	- port 59999 will be used for vhn [], and
#	- default port 57777 will be used for all remaining <vip/vhn>s:
#	   []
#	   []
#	   []
#	- if default port 57777 were not specified, port 14250 would be used 
#	  for all remaining <vip/vhn>s:
#	   []
#	   []
#	   []
# SCSI-3 compliant coordinator disks are specified as:
# 	vxfendg=<coordinator disk group name>
#	Example:
#		vxfendg=vxfencoorddg
# Examples of different configurations:
# 	1. All CP server coordination points
#	cps1=
#	cps2=
#	cps3=
#	2. A combination of CP server and a disk group having two SCSI-3 
#	coordinator disks 
#	cps1=
#	vxfendg=
#	Note: The disk group specified in this case should have two disks
#	3. All SCSI-3 coordinator disks
#	vxfendg=
#	Note: The disk group specified in case should have three disks 