Removing the Replicated Data Set

If you use VVR, you need to perform the following steps. This section gives the steps to remove a Replicated Data Set (RDS) when the application is either active or stopped.

To remove the Replicated Data Set

  1. Verify that all RLINKs are up-to-date:
    # vxrlink -g diskgroup status rlink_name

    If the Secondary is not required to be up-to-date, proceed to 2 and stop replication using the -f option with the vradmin stoprep command.

  2. Stop replication to the Secondary by issuing the following command on any host in the RDS:

    The vradmin stoprep command fails if the Primary and Secondary RLINKs are not up-to-date. Use the -f option to stop replication to a Secondary even when the RLINKs are not up-to-date.

    # vradmin -g diskgroup stoprep local_rvgname sec_hostname

    The argument local_rvgname is the name of the RVG on the local host and represents its RDS.

    The argument sec_hostname is the name of the Secondary host as displayed in the output of the vradmin printrvg command.

  3. Remove the Secondary from the RDS by issuing the following command on any host in the RDS:
    # vradmin -g diskgroup delsec local_rvgname sec_hostname

    The argument local_rvgname is the name of the RVG on the local host and represents its RDS.

    The argument sec_hostname is the name of the Secondary host as displayed in the output of the vradmin printrvg command.

  4. Remove the Primary from the RDS by issuing the following command on the Primary:
    # vradmin -g diskgroup delpri local_rvgname

    When used with the -f option, the vradmin delpri command removes the Primary even when the application is running on the Primary.

    The RDS is removed.

  5. If you want to delete the SRLs from the Primary and Secondary hosts in the RDS, issue the following command on the Primary and all Secondaries:
    # vxedit -r -g diskgroup rm srl_name