

fsimiadm - VxFS Information Management Infrastructure (IMI) administratoin and status reporting utility




fsimiadm list

fsimiadm status pid

fsimiadm unregister pid


The fsimiadm utility displays information about the plug-ins that are registered with the VxFS Information Management Infrastructure (IMI). In addition, the fsimiadm utility allows administrators to un-register forcefully a plug-in that is registered with VxFS IMI.


The fsimiadm status pid command can display "dev=0xnum" as a mount point entry for the registered mount point that was un-mounted when this command was run.

Cluster File System Issues

No cluster issues; command operates the same on cluster file systems.


list Displays information about the plug-ins that are registered with VxFS IMI. The information is displayed in a pid (PID), registration flag (FLAGS), and plug-in name (NAME) format.
status Displays the subscription status for the plug-in process with the specified PID. The subscription status is displayed in a mount point (MOUNTPOINT) and event (EVENT) format.
unregister Unregisters the plug-in process that you specified with pid from VxFS IMI.


The fsimiadm command returns 0 on success, and non-0 on failure.


The following command displays information about the plug-ins that are registered with IMI:

# fsimiadm list Registered Plug-ins : PID FLAGS NAME 10234 0x4 vxdiplugind

The following command displays information about the events and mount points subscribed by a particular plug-in:

# fsimiadm status 10234 Subscription Status for plug-in (10234) : MOUNTPOINT EVENT /mnt VX_IMI_OPEN_PRE VX_IMI_CLOSE_PRE VX_IMI_WRITE_PRE

VxFS 6.1 fsimiadm(1M)