Removing the CP server configuration using the installer program

This section describes how to remove the CP server configuration from a node or a cluster that hosts the CP server.


Ensure that no SFHA cluster (application cluster) uses the CP server that you want to unconfigure. Run the # cpsadm -s CPS_VIP -p CPS_Port -a list_nodes to know if any application cluster is using the CP server.

To remove the CP server configuration

  1. To run the configuration removal script, enter the following command on the node where you want to remove the CP server configuration:
    # /opt/VRTS/install/installvcsversion  -configcps
  2. Select option 3 from the menu to unconfigure the CP server.
    [1] Configure Coordination Point Server on single node VCS system
    [2] Configure Coordination Point Server on SFHA cluster
    [3] Unconfigure Coordination Point Server
  3. Review the warning message and confirm that you want to unconfigure the CP server.
    Unconfiguring coordination point server stops the vxcpserv process. 
    VCS clusters using this server for coordination purpose will have 
    one less coordination point. 
    Are you sure you want to take the CP server offline? [y,n,q] (n) y
  4. Review the screen output as the script performs the following steps to remove the CP server configuration:

    • Stops the CP server

    • Removes the CP server from VCS configuration

    • Removes resource dependencies

    • Takes the the CP server service group (CPSSG) offline, if it is online

    • Removes the CPSSG service group from the VCS configuration

    • Successfully unconfigured the Veritas Coordination Point Server

    The CP server database is not being deleted on the shared storage. 
    It can be re-used if CP server is reconfigured on the cluster. 
    The same database location can be specified during CP server
  5. Decide if you want to delete the CP server configuration file.
    Do you want to delete the CP Server configuration file
    (/etc/vxcps.conf) and log files
    (in /var/VRTScps)? [y,n,q] (n) y
    Deleting /etc/vxcps.conf and log files on sys1.... Done
    Deleting /etc/vxcps.conf and log files on sys2... Done
  6. Confirm if you want to send information about this installation to Symantec to help improve installation in the future.
    Would you like to send the information about this installation
    to Symantec to help improve installation in the future? [y,n,q,?] (y) 

    Upload completed successfully.