Sample configuration file for adding a node to the cluster

You may use this sample file as reference information to understand the configuration changes that take place when you add a node to a cluster.

The existing sample configuration before adding the node sys5 is as follows:

The following sample configuration file shows the changes (in bold) effected in the configuration after adding a node "sys5" to the cluster.

include ""
include ""
include ""
include ""
include ""
include ""
include ""
include ""
include ""
include ""
include ""
cluster clus1 (
        UserNames = { admin = bopHo }
        Administrators = { admin }
        UseFence = SCSI3
system clus1 (
system sys2 (
system sys5 (


In the following group oradb1_grp, the sys5 node has been added.

group oradb1_grp (
        SystemList = { clus1 = 0, sys2 = 1, sys5 = 2 }
        AutoFailOver = 0
        Parallel = 1
        AutoStartList = { clus1, sys2, sys5 }


In the following Oracle resource, the sys5 node information has been added.

Oracle ora1 (
										Critical = 0
										Sid @clus1 = vrts1							
								  Sid @sys2 = vrts2
          Sid @sys5 = vrts3
          Owner = oracle
          Home = "/app/oracle/orahome"
          StartUpOpt = "SRVCTLSTART"
          ShutDownOpt = "SRVCTLSTOP"
CFSMount dbdata_mnt (
         Critical = 0
         MountPoint = "/oradata"
         BlockDevice = "/dev/vx/dsk/dbdata_dg/oradatavol"

CVMVolDg dbdata_voldg (
         Critical = 0
         CVMDiskGroup = dbdata_dg
         CVMVolume = { oradatavol }
         CVMActivation = sw

requires group cvm online local firm
ora1 requires dbdata_mnt
dbdata_mnt requires dbdata_voldg


In the following CVM and CVMCluster resources, the sys5 node information has been added.

group cvm (
        SystemList = { clus1 = 0, sys2 = 1, sys5 =2}
        AutoFailOver = 0
        Parallel = 1
        AutoStartList = { clus1, sys2, sys5 }

       CSSD cssd (
                Critical = 0
                CRSHOME = "/oracle/gridhome"

       CFSMount ocrvote_mnt (
                Critical = 0
                MountOpt @clus1 = rw
                MountOpt @sys2 = rw
                MountOpt @sys5 = rw
                NodeList = {clus1, sys2, sys5}
                BlockDevice = "/dev/vx/dsk/ocrvotedg/ocrvotevol"
                MountPoint = "/ocrvote"

      CVMVolDg ocrvote_voldg (
               Critical = 0
               CVMDiskGroup = ocrvotedg
               CVMVolume = { ocrvotevol }
               CVMActivation = sw

      CFSfsckd vxfsckd (

      CVMCluster cvm_clus (
              CVMClustName = clus1
              CVMNodeId = { clus1 = 0, sys2 = 1, sys5 =2 }
              CVMTransport = gab
              CVMTimeout = 200

      CVMVxconfigd cvm_vxconfigd (
               Critical = 0
               CVMVxconfigdArgs = { syslog }
cssd requires ocrvote_mnt
ocrvote_mnt requires ocrvote_voldg
ocrvote_mnt requires vxfsckd
ocrvote_voldg requires cvm_clus
vxfsckd requires cvm_clus
cvm_clus requires cvm_vxconfigd