How ApplicationHA integrates with Symantec Backup Exec

A typical Backup Exec configuration in a VMware environment comprises a Media Server installed on a separate physical or virtual machine and a Plug-in installed on the VMware vSphere client.

The Media Server serves as a management console for various backup specific administrative jobs to be performed.

The Plug-in registration adds a "Symantec Backup Exec" tab in the vSphere Client. This tab is the primary interface that enables you to configure "Virtual Machine Auto Recovery". To configure "Virtual Machine Auto Recovery" for virtual machines under ApplicationHA control, you are required to set up a link between the Symantec High Availability Console and the Media Server. Setting up the link between the Symantec High Availability Console and the Media Server, authenticates the Symantec High Availability Console Server user account.

After you authenticate the Symantec High Availability Console Server user account and configure "Virtual Machine Auto Recovery", the Backup Exec High Availability (BE HA) service transfers the virtual machine details such as hostname, virtual machine ID, and the MAC address to the Symantec High Availability Console Server. Symantec High Availability Console Server then registers the specified virtual machine for auto-restore and adds the entries to the Console Server database.

After the Symantec High Availability Console Server registers the virtual machine for auto-restore, the Symantec High Availability tab displays that the "Virtual Machine Auto Recovery" is configured. The following figure of Symantec High Availability tab represents "Virtual Machine Auto Recovery" is configured.

The Backup Exec Virtual Machine Auto-Recovery database and the Symantec High Availability Console Server database are synchronized once everyday. If you perform any changes to the "Virtual Machine Auto Recovery" settings or reconfigure the Symantec High Availability Console Server, the "Virtual Machine Auto Recovery" settings are updated in the Symantec High Availability Console Server database during the next synchronization cycle.


If you need to update the Symantec High Availability Console Server database before the next synchronization cycle, you must re-configure Virtual Machine Auto Recovery settings for the virtual machines.

If an application fails, the agents attempt to restart the application for a configurable number of times. If the agents are unable to start the application, Symantec ApplicationHA stops sending the application heartbeat to VMware HA. Depending on the configuration, VMware HA restarts the virtual machine. If the application fails to start even after virtual machine reboot, the ApplicationHA Heartbeat agent triggers the request for restoring the virtual machine backup. The Console Server receives and redirects this request to the Media Server.


If you have configured ApplicationHA-initiated virtual machine restart, ApplicationHA gracefully restarts the virtual machine before it stops sending the application heartbeat for VMware HA.

The Media Server then verifies if "Virtual Machine Auto Recovery" is configured. After the verification check is successful a user confirmation prompt is displayed. This prompt is displayed only if you have configured the setting for user confirmation. After the user approves the request, the Media Server restores the virtual machine using the latest available backup.


If the request for virtual machine restore fails, refer to the AutoRestoreTriggerStatus_A.log file at %Programdata%\Symantec\ApplicationHA\Logs on the Symantec High Availability Console Server.

Symantec High Availability tab displays the following conditions and respective status messages when "Virtual Machine Auto Recovery" is configured.



Request for virtual machine restore is triggered but user consent is not yet received

Awaiting user consent for virtual machine restore

User consent for virtual machine restore is received and the virtual machine restore job is in queue

Queued for virtual machine restore