Deleting stale records

VCS uses a heartbeat mechanism to monitor the health of a configured application. If a system fails to send two consecutive heartbeats for an application, VCS marks the health status of that application as stale. The Alerts and Description column of the High Availability Dashboard indicates the time elapsed since the last valid health status was recorded.

After troubleshooting the heartbeat failure, you can delete such stale records from the High Availability database.

To delete stale records

  1. On the Console host, navigate to the home directory.

    For example:

    C:\Program Files\Veritas\

    Where C:\ is the system drive.

  2. Run the following command:

    C:\Program Files\Veritas\VRTSsfmh\bin>perl.exe C:\Program Files\Veritas\ApplicationHA \bin\<TimeInterval>

    Where Time Interval, in minutes, indicates how stale the records must be, for them to be deleted. By default, the script deletes all records that are older than 60 minutes