Creating a Replicated Data Set for the examples

This procedure describes how to create an example Replicated Data Set (RDS).


This example assumes that the disks available on the system have labels such as disk01, disk02, disk03 and so on.

To create the example RDS

  1. Create the data volumes on the Secondary host london. Use different disks for the data volumes and SRL.
    # vxassist -g hrdg make hr_dv01 4G \
         layout=mirror logtype=dcm mirror=2 disk01 disk02
     # vxassist -g hrdg make hr_dv02 4G \
         layout=mirror logtype=dcm mirror=2 disk03 disk04
  2. Create the SRL on disks that do not have other volumes on them by typing the following command on the Primary seattle and the Secondary london:
    # vxassist -g hrdg make hr_srl 4G mirror=2 disk05 disk06


    You must create the SRL on disks that do not contain any other volume.

  3. Create the Primary RVG of the RDS by typing the following command on the Primary seattle:
    # vradmin -g hrdg createpri hr_rvg hr_dv01,hr_dv02 hr_srl
  4. Make sure the /etc/vx/vras/.rdg file on the Secondary host london contains the Primary disk group ID of hrdg; then add the Secondary london to the RDS by typing the following command on the Primary seattle:
    # vradmin -g hrdg addsec hr_rvg seattle london