Enabling compression

The vradmin set command allows you to enable compression on a per secondary host basis.

To enable compression

  1. Enable compression using the following command:
    # vradmin -g diskgroup set local_rvgname [sec_hostname] 

    The argument local_rvgname is the name of the rvg on the local host and represents the RDS.

    The argument sec_hostname is the name of the Secondary host as displayed in the output of the vradmin printrvg command. This argument is optional when only one secondary is configured.

  2. Verify that compression has been enabled using the following command:
    # vradmin -g diskgroup -l repstatus local_rvgname

The output resembles:

Replicated Data Set: hr_rvg
  Host name:                 seattle
  RVG name:                  hr_rvg
  DG name:                   hrdg
  RVG state:                 enabled for I/O
  Data volumes:              4
  Vsets:                     1
  SRL name:                  hr_srl
  SRL size:                  4.00 GB
  Total secondaries:         1

  Host name:                 london
  RVG name:                  hr_rvg
  DG name:                   hrdg
  Rlink from Primary:        rlk_london_hr_rvg
  Rlink to Primary:          rlk_seattle_hr_rvg
  Configured mode:           asynchronous
  Latency protection:        off
  SRL protection:            autodcm
  Data status:               consistent, up-to-date
  Replication status:        replicating (connected)
  Current mode:              asynchronous
  Logging to:                SRL
  Timestamp Information:     behind by 0h 0m 0s
  Bandwidth Limit:           N/A
  Compression Mode:		        On