About bunker replay in a VCS environment

If a disaster occurs at the Primary site, the data at the Secondary site may not be up-to-date. If the Primary has a bunker site associated with it, you can use the bunker to synchronize the Secondary before making it the Primary site.

The procedure for bunker replay in the VCS environment is the same as in the case of a non-clustered Primary. The RVGPrimary agent handles bunker replay automatically. You do not have to perform any manual steps.

You can choose how you want to use bunker replay by configuring the agent attribute BunkerSyncTimeOut.

See How the RVGPrimary works in a bunker setup.


You cannot use the automated bunker replay feature and the primary-elect feature in the same environment. If you set the BunkerSyncTimeOut attribute to a non-zero value, the AutoResync attribute cannot be 2. Similarly, if you set the AutoResync attribute to 2 (to enable the primary-elect feature), the value of the BunkerSyncTimeOut attribute must be 0 to disable the automated bunker replay feature.

For VCS to automatically replay a bunker, the bunker_target flag must be set on the RLINK from the Secondary to the bunker node. When the bunker_target flag is set on an RLINK, it indicates that this is the RLINK from the Secondary to the bunker node.

When you configure a bunker, the vradmin addbunker command sets this flag correctly on the RLINK from the Secondary to the bunker node. However, if you have upgraded from a release prior to Volume Replicator 5.1SP1, and you had a bunker in the configuration before the upgrade, the bunker_target flag would not be set on the RLINK from the Secondary the bunker node. In this case, you must run the following command on the Secondary to set the bunker_target flag:

# vxedit -g dg set bunker_target=on RLINK_from_secondary_to_bunker