Example response file

The example response file resembles the file that installvcs creates after the example VCS installation. The file is a modified version of the response file generated on vcs_cluster2 that you can use to install VCS on vcs_cluster3. Review the variables that are required for installation.

    # installvcs configuration values:
    $CPI::CFG{SYSTEMS}=[ qw(east west) ];
    $CPI::CFG{VCS_SMTPRECP}=[ qw(earnie@symantecexample.com) ];
    $CPI::CFG{VCS_SMTPRSEV}=[ qw(SevereError) ];
    $CPI::CFG{VCS_SNMPCONS}=[ qw(neptune) ];
    $CPI::CFG{VCS_SNMPCSEV}=[ qw(SevereError) ];

More Information

Response file variable definitions