Preparing for a manual installation

Before you install, log in as the superuser. Mount the disc, and copy the files in a temporary folder for installation.

To prepare for installation

  1. Copy the depot from the software disc to the temporary directory:

    # mkdir /tmp/install 
    # cp -rp  depot /tmp/install
  2. List the files:

    # ls /tmp/install
    VRTSaa       VRTScutil    VRTSfssdk    VRTSobc33        
    VRTSacclib   VRTSdbac     VRTSgab      VRTSobgui    
    VRTSalloc    VRTSdbcom    VRTSgapms    VRTSodm      
    VRTSat       VRTSdbed     VRTSglm      VRTSorgui    
    VRTScavf     VRTSdbms3    VRTSgms      VRTSpbx      
    VRTSccg      VRTSddlpr    VRTSicsco    VRTSperl     
    VRTScscm     VRTSdsa      VRTSjre15    VRTSsfmh     
    VRTScscw     VRTSfsman    VRTSllt      VRTSspt      
    VRTScsocw    VRTSfsmnd    VRTSmapro    VRTSvail     
    VRTScssim    VRTSfspro    VRTSob       VRTSvcs      
    VRTSvcsag    VRTSvrpro    VRTSvcsdb    VRTSvxfen
    VRTSvcsmg    VRTSvxfs     VRTSvcsmn    VRTSvxmsa
    VRTSvcsor    VRTSvxvm     VRTSvcssy    VRTSweb
    VRTSvcsvr    catalog      VRTSvdid     swagent.log
    VRTSvlic     VRTSvmpro

More Information

Mounting the product disc