Reconfiguring VCS on the existing node

Reconfigure VCS on the existing nodes.

To reconfigure VCS on existing nodes

  1. On Node A, create the files /etc/llttab, /etc/llthosts, and /etc/gabtab. Use the files that are created on Node B as a guide, customizing the /etc/llttab for Node A.

  2. Start LLT on Node A.

    # /sbin/init.d/llt start
  3. Start GAB on Node A.

    # /sbin/init.d/gab start
  4. Check the membership of the cluster.

    # gabconfig -a
  5. Start VCS on Node A.

    # hastart
  6. Make the VCS configuration writable.

    # haconf -makerw
  7. Add Node B to the cluster.

    # hasys -add sysB
  8. Add Node B to the system list of each service group.

    • List the service groups.

      # hagrp -list
    • For each service group that is listed, add the node.

      # hagrp -modify group SystemList -add sysB 1