Encrypting Oracle database user and listener passwords

VCS provides a utility to encrypt database user passwords and listener passwords. You must encrypt the Pword attribute in the Oracle agent and the LsnrPwd attribute in the Netlsnr agent before you configure these attributes.

See the vcsencrypt manual page.

The vcsencrypt utility also allows you to encrypt the agent passwords using a security key. The security key supports AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) encryption which creates a more secure password for the agent.

See the Symantec Cluster Server Administrator’s Guide for more information.


You need not encrypt passwords if you use the VCS Cluster Manager (Java Console) to configure attributes.

The user passwords that are used for detail monitoring of the Oracle database are encrypted. The listener password that is considered for querying the status of the listener and stopping the listener is also encrypted.

Oracle provides the option of storing the listener password in the listener.ora file, in both clear text and encrypted formats. Irrespective of the format in which the password is stored in Oracle, you must encrypt the password using the vcsencrypt utility before you configure the LsnrPwd attribute.

If you encrypted the listener password using the Oracle lsnrctl utility, do the following depending on the Oracle version you use:

To encrypt passwords

  1. From the path $VCS_HOME/bin/, run the vcsencrypt utility.

    • Type the following command:

      # vcsencrypt  -agent
    • Enter the password and confirm it by entering it again. Press Enter.

      # Enter New Password:
      # Enter Again:
  2. Review as the utility encrypts the password and displays the encrypted password.
  3. Enter this encrypted password as the value for the attribute.
  4. Copy the encrypted password for future reference.