About the modifications required for tagged VLAN or teamed network

Perform this task only if you have a tagged VLAN network configuration having multiple logical network interfaces or a teamed network interface that share the same MAC address.

After you configure the application service group, you must edit the "MACAddress" attribute of the VCS NIC agent and the IP agent.

During the application service group configuration, you are required to select an network adapter for each cluster system and specify the virtual IP address for the virtual server. The application configuration wizard internally retrieves the MAC address of the specified interface and the MAC address of the interface to which the specified IP address is assigned. It then sets these MAC Addresses as the value of the "MACAddress" attribute of the VCS NIC and IP agent respectively.

If the selected interface or the interface to which the specified IP is assigned shares the MAC address with other logical interfaces, then the following issues may occur:

As a workaround, use the VCS Java Console to edit the "MACAddress" attribute and specify its value as the interface name instead of the MAC address. You must enter the interface name in double quotes. For example, MACAddress = "InterfaceName"
