Zpool agent

The Zpool agent brings online, takes offline, and monitors ZFS storage pools. It exports ZFS storage pools (which reside on shared storage) from one node. It then imports the pool onto another node as required.

The automount feature of ZFS mounts all its file systems by setting the mountpoint property to something other than legacy. To find the value of the mountpoint property, use the zfs get command. For example, from the command line for the tank mountpoint, enter:

# zfs get mountpoint tank
NAME        PROPERTY        VALUE        SOURCE
tank        mountpoint      /tank        default

As another example, to find the value of the mountpoint property for the legacypool storage pool, enter:

# zfs get mountpoint legacypool
NAME        PROPERTY        VALUE        SOURCE
tank        mountpoint      legacy       default

The Zpool agent checks the mountpoint and canmount properties and the ChkZFSMounts attribute to decide whether the mounted file system should be checked in the Zpool agent or not.

If the value of the mountpoint property is legacy, it does not check the file system mount status. The agent assumes that you plan to use Mount resources to manage and monitor the ZFS file systems.

If the value of the mountpoint property is not legacy or none and if the canmount property is not set to off, the agent checks the mount status of the ZFS file systems. If the value of the mountpoint property is none or if the canmount property is set to off, the agent assumes that you do not want the file system to be mounted.

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