hanotify - sends messages via VCS to notifier and SNMP and SMTP consoles


hanotify [-N VCS engine port] -i trapId -l severity -n entity_name -T entity_type -t entity_subtype -o trap’s_origin -S system_name -L system_location -p peer_system_name -P peer_system_location -c entity_container’s_name -C entity_container’s_type -O entity_owner -m message




The hanotify command can be used to define how user-defined event messages are transmitted by VCS to the notifier command and from there to the SNMP console and/or SMTP server. With hanotify, users can specify events by SNMP Object Identifier (OID), severity, and type, the name and location of the systems originating the event, the peer systems and their locations, and free-form messages. If you are developing custom agents or want VCS to provide highly available event notification for your custom events, then you can use hanotify. Please note that VCS and notifier act as forwarding entities only. Neither entity recognizes external messages sent through hanotify. Recipients of traps or emails generated because of messages sent through hanotify are determined by the configuration of notifier.


-N port VCS engine port (numeric).
-i trapId
  trap OID (Object ID).
-l severity
  message severity (one of Information, Warning, Error, or SevereError).
-n name entity name (string)
-T type entity type:
0 -- Resource:
1 -- Group
2 -- System
3 -- VCS Heartbeat
4 -- GCM Heartbeat
5 -- VCS
6 -- GCM
7 -- Agent
-t subtype
  entity subtype:

For Resource type, subtype is a string; for example: "disk"

For Group type, subtype value can be 0 (failover) or 1 (parallel)

For System type, subtype is a string; for example: "solaris"

For VCS Heartbeat type and GCM Heartbeat type, subtype can be 0 (LLT Heartbeat), 1 (GAB Heartbeat), 2 (ICMP Heartbeat), or 3 (SRDF Heartbeat)

For VCS type, subtype is a string specifying VCS version

For GCM type, subtype is a string specifying GCM version

For Agent type, subtype is a string specifying the Agent’s name

-o origin
  Denotes the origin of the message/event. origin has the following values:
0 -- VCS
1 -- GCM
2 -- GAB
3 -- LLT
4 -- Agent
5 -- Heartbeat
6 -- Any other origin
-S sysName
  System name (string) specifying system on which event happened.
-L sysLocation
  System location (string) specifying where event happened.
-p peerSysName
  Name of peer system (string).
-P peerSysLocation
  Location of peer system (string).
-c containerName
  Name of the entity container (string). Container names can have the following values:

Name of the cluster if the container type is Group, System, or VCS Heartbeat.

GCM site name if container type is GCM Heartbeat or Site.

Agent name of container type is Agent.

-C containerType
  Type of the entity. containerType has the following values:
1 -- Group
2 -- System
3 -- VCS Heartbeat
4 -- GCM Heartbeat
5 -- VCS
6 -- Site
7 -- Agent
-O owner
  Owner of the entity as specified by a login, typically of system administrator. The owner receives an email.
-m message
  Free format message (string).


# hanotify -i "" -l Error -n gcm -T 6 -t 1.1 -o 1 -S sys1 -L London -p sys2 -P Paris -c site1 -C 6 -O admin -m "site1 is down"




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