Adding disks from a recovered site to the coordinator disk group

In a campus cluster environment, consider a case where the primary site goes down and the secondary site comes online with a limited set of disks. When the primary site restores, the primary site's disks are also available to act as coordinator disks. You can use the vxfenswap utility to add these disks to the coordinator disk group.

See About I/O fencing in campus clusters.

To add new disks from a recovered site to the coordinator disk group

  1. Make sure system-to-system communication is functioning properly.
  2. Make sure that the cluster is online.
    # vxfenadm -d
    I/O Fencing Cluster Information:
    Fencing Protocol Version: 201
    Fencing Mode: SCSI3
    Fencing SCSI3 Disk Policy: dmp
    Cluster Members:
    		* 0 (sys1)
    		1 (sys2)
    RFSM State Information:
    		node 0 in state 8 (running)
    		node 1 in state 8 (running)
  3. Verify the name of the coordinator disk group.
    # cat /etc/vxfendg
  4. Run the following command:
    # vxdisk -o alldgs list
    sdx				auto:cdsdisk				-		(vxfencoorddg)				online
    sdy				auto				-		-				offline
    sdz				auto				-		-				offline
  5. Verify the number of disks used in the coordinator disk group.
    # vxfenconfig -l
    I/O Fencing Configuration Information:
    Count                : 1
    Disk List
    Disk Name		 					Major		Minor		Serial Number					Policy
    /dev/vx/rdmp/sdx							32		48		R450 00013154 0312					dmp
  6. When the primary site comes online, start the vxfenswap utility on any node in the cluster:
    # vxfenswap -g vxfencoorddg [-n]
  7. Verify the count of the coordinator disks.
    # vxfenconfig -l
    I/O Fencing Configuration Information:
    Single Disk Flag						: 0
    Count                : 3
    Disk List
    Disk Name		 					Major		Minor		Serial Number					Policy
    /dev/vx/rdmp/sdx							32		48		R450 00013154 0312					dmp
    /dev/vx/rdmp/sdy							32		32		R450 00013154 0313					dmp
    /dev/vx/rdmp/sdz							32		16		R450 00013154 0314					dmp