The VCSAG_LOGDBG_MSG function can be used to log all debug messages to the agent log file unless LogViaHalog attribute is configured. If LogViaHalog is configured then messages will be logged using halog command in the engine log. At a minimum, the severity must be indicated along with a message. Optionally, the encoding format and parameters may be specified.


Messages of the entry points which runs in the container will be logged in the engine log using halog command.

Severity (dbg)

An integer indicating a severity level, 1 to 21.

See the Cluster Server Administrator's Guide for more information.

Message (msg)

A text message in quotes; for example: "One file copied"

Encoding Format

UTF-8, ASCII, or UCS-2 in the form: "-encoding format"


Parameters (up to six), each within quotes