Moving the service groups to the second subcluster

Perform the following steps to establish the service group's status and to switch the service groups.

To move service groups to the second subcluster

  1. On the first subcluster, determine where the service groups are online.
    # hagrp -state

    The output resembles:

    #Group   Attribute System Value
    sg1      State     node01 |ONLINE|
    sg1      State     node02 |ONLINE|
    sg1      State     node03 |ONLINE|
    sg1      State     node04 |ONLINE|
    sg2      State     node01 |ONLINE|
    sg2      State     node02 |ONLINE|
    sg2      State     node03 |ONLINE|
    sg2      State     node04 |ONLINE|
    sg3      State     node01 |ONLINE|
    sg3      State     node02 |OFFLINE|
    sg3      State     node03 |OFFLINE|
    sg3      State     node04 |OFFLINE|
    sg4      State     node01 |OFFLINE|
    sg4      State     node02 |ONLINE|
    sg4      State     node03 |OFFLINE|
    sg4      State     node04 |OFFLINE|
  2. Offline the parallel service groups (sg1 and sg2) from the first subcluster. Switch the failover service groups (sg3 and sg4) from the first subcluster (node01 and node02) to the nodes on the second subcluster (node03 and node04). For SFHA, vxfen sg is the parallel service group.
    # hagrp -offline sg1 -sys node01
    # hagrp -offline sg2 -sys node01
    # hagrp -offline sg1 -sys node02
    # hagrp -offline sg2 -sys node02
    # hagrp -switch sg3 -to node03
    # hagrp -switch sg4 -to node04
  3. On the nodes in the first subcluster, unmount all the VxFS file systems that VCS does not manage, for example:
    # df -h
    Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    /dev/sda1              26G  3.3G   22G  14% /
    udev                 1007M  352K 1006M   1% /dev
    tmpfs                 4.0K     0  4.0K   0% /dev/vx
                          3.0G   18M  2.8G   1% /mnt/dg2/dg2vol1
                          1.0G   18M  944M   2% /mnt/dg2/dg2vol2
                           10G   20M  9.4G   1% /mnt/dg2/dg2vol3
    # umount /mnt/dg2/dg2vol1
    # umount /mnt/dg2/dg2vol2
    # umount /mnt/dg2/dg2vol3
  4. On the nodes in the first subcluster, stop all VxVM volumes (for each disk group) that VCS does not manage.
  5. Make the configuration writable on the first subcluster.
    # haconf -makerw
  6. Freeze the nodes in the first subcluster.
    # hasys -freeze -persistent node01
    # hasys -freeze -persistent node02
  7. Dump the configuration and make it read-only.
    # haconf -dump -makero
  8. Verify that the service groups are offline on the first subcluster that you want to upgrade.
    # hagrp -state

    Output resembles:

    #Group Attribute System Value
    sg1  State node01 |OFFLINE|
    sg1  State node02 |OFFLINE|
    sg1  State node03 |ONLINE|
    sg1  State node04 |ONLINE|
    sg2  State node01 |OFFLINE|
    sg2  State node02 |OFFLINE|
    sg2  State node03 |ONLINE|
    sg2  State node04 |ONLINE|
    sg3  State node01 |OFFLINE|
    sg3  State node02 |OFFLINE|
    sg3  State node03 |ONLINE|
    sg3  State node04 |OFFLINE|
    sg4  State node01 |OFFLINE|
    sg4  State node02 |OFFLINE|
    sg4  State node03 |OFFLINE|
    sg4  State node04 |ONLINE|