Tracing file read-write event

Trace events also support tracing of read-write operation. Trace can provide information such as file offset, file data size, file segment, and time taken for read-write operation.

In this example, the trace hook identifier for VxFS file read-write operation is 0E1. For tracing only file read-write operation, enter:

# trace -a -j 0E1 &
# trcon 
# cat  (file on VxFS file system)
# trcoff
# trcstop
# trcrpt > trace.out

Sample output:

0E1	9.285786109	0.223881	VxFS rdwr
0E1	9.285796646	0.010537	VxFS read 	offset=00001000, seg=829B85,  
bcount=1000, ip=F1000A02A334AF20