Tracing Inode cache event

For any inode, an iget() call increments its vcount by 1, and an iput() call decrements the vcount if it is not equal to one. The trace entries containing 'iget' or 'iput' would correspond to inode cache operations. The entries also provide details such as inode number and device ID, whenever inode cache operations are performed in VxFS. You can use tracing to collect the data and analyze it further.

In this example, the trace hook identifier for VxFS inode cache operations is 0E4. For tracing only inode cache operations, enter:

# trace -a -j 0E4 &
# trcon
# cat  (file on VxFS file system)
# trcoff
# trcstop
# trcrpt > trace.out

Sample output :

0E1	0.028564739	0.089402 VxFS VxFS iget: vp = F10001180CCDEDF0, 
dev = 8000002D00004E20, fsindex = 03E7, iltype = 0000, vcount = 0001, 
inode = 0002, getcaller = D60063
0E1	0.031875091	0.001512 VxFS VxFS iput: vp = F10001180CCDEDF0, 
dev = 8000002D00004E20, fsindex = 03E7, iltype = 0000, vcount = 0001, 
inode = 0002, getcaller = D60063